MAY 2020

...I understand the outrage about Dominic Cummings' road trip to Durham, I dare not throw stones. 

“The winner of the this race will be the one that uses their time most efficiently, productively and creatively. Will you be like the group who switch on at the end only to find it’s too late or are you going to switch it on from today and keep it on everyday?”
These were my words a month and half ago and if I’m honest with you I haven’t followed them to the letter; so whilst I understand the outrage about Dominic Cummings’ road trip to Durham, I dare not throw stones. 

I, like many others, prescribed to the train of thought that the way to use this time was for personal development, personal growth, getting ahead and other work related activities. Whilst I still believe this to be the case, there’s a lot more to it than that.

My default, like many other people, is work, and if you look at quarantine through that lens then you’re likely to spend your time working.  But today, I want to propose a different lens - the lens of ‘self’. 

We’re constantly on the go and rarely have time to stop and think. What are the habits that I still have but shouldn’t? What are the decisions that made sense to you 5 years ago but don’t align with where you want to be in 5 years time? 

We’ve all heard that the Coronavirus is ‘unprecedented’ and ‘not like anything we’ve experienced in this lifetime’.
My dad always tells me, when you’re in the midst of a problem it can be difficult, and at times overwhelming. It’s only when you take a step back that you can really see it for what it is. Stepping back not only gives you a fresh perspective, it gives you an opportunity to miss the things you enjoyed about it. So you’ll come back more energised which in turn will make you more productive. 

The uncertainty of life is what makes it so fun, but it’s this uncertainty that can cause us all to become anxious and overwhelmed. We’re often so consumed with the pressures of life that we don’t take time for ourselves. This could be sitting down and writing a 5 year plan or it could be as simple clearing your mind and thinking about absolutely nothing. Me personally, I like to go for walks and talk to myself.


If you put your headphones on you can have a full on conversation with yourself and people will think you’re on the phone.

Whatever you do, savour it, because unprecedented times don’t come around often. 

If you like this, why not take a look at these pages:


...I understand the outrage about Dominic Cummings' road trip to Durham, I dare not throw stones. 

“The winner of the this race will be the one that uses their time most efficiently, productively and creatively. Will you be like the group who switch on at the end only to find it’s too late or are you going to switch it on from today and keep it on everyday?”
These were my words a month and half ago and if I’m honest with you I haven’t followed them to the letter; so whilst I understand the outrage about Dominic Cummings’ road trip to Durham, I dare not throw stones. 

I, like many others, prescribed to the train of thought that the way to use this time was for personal development, personal growth, getting ahead and other work related activities. Whilst I still believe this to be the case, there’s a lot more to it than that.

My default, like many other people, is work, and if you look at quarantine through that lens then you’re likely to spend your time working.  But today, I want to propose a different lens - the lens of ‘self’. 

We’re constantly on the go and rarely have time to stop and think. What are the habits that I still have but shouldn’t? What are the decisions that made sense to you 5 years ago but don’t align with where you want to be in 5 years time? 

We’ve all heard that the Coronavirus is ‘unprecedented’ and ‘not like anything we’ve experienced in this lifetime’.
My dad always tells me, when you’re in the midst of a problem it can be difficult, and at times overwhelming. It’s only when you take a step back that you can really see it for what it is. Stepping back not only gives you a fresh perspective, it gives you an opportunity to miss the things you enjoyed about it. So you’ll come back more energised which in turn will make you more productive. 

The uncertainty of life is what makes it so fun, but it’s this uncertainty that can cause us all to become anxious and overwhelmed. We’re often so consumed with the pressures of life that we don’t take time for ourselves. This could be sitting down and writing a 5 year plan or it could be as simple clearing your mind and thinking about absolutely nothing. Me personally, I like to go for walks and talk to myself.


If you put your headphones on you can have a full on conversation with yourself and people will think you’re on the phone.

Whatever you do, savour it, because unprecedented times don’t come around often. 

If you like this, why not take a look at these pages: