APR 2020

The only thing that we are given that is common to everyone is time.

Dr Myles Munroe

All of us have different heights, weights, colours,  economic statuses, ethnic backgrounds and cultures, but the one thing we all have in common is time; and no matter who you are or who you know you can’t get an advantage. 

One of the most common reasons for failure in an escape room is poor time management. Those that lose tend to take there time, they’re reluctant to take hints and they’re unfocused because they believe they have a lot of time. 

Then as the time starts to tick down, they make a drastic switch. They become chaotic, they hit the hint button frantically and make rash decisions.

On the other hand, those that tend to win - and in good time - are groups who start the game with a quick and steady pace and maintain this throughout. 

We’ve all just been afforded a wealth of time and at the same time all those other factors that tip the scales have been muted. As with anything in life, there are winners and losers and Corona Virus won’t be any different. 

The winner of the this race will be the one that uses their time most efficiently, productively and creatively. 

So will you be like the group who switch on at the end only to find it’s too late. Or are you going to switch it on from today and keep it on everyday. 

You decide!

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The only thing that we are given that is common to everyone is time.

Dr Myles Munroe

All of us have different heights, weights, colours,  economic statuses, ethnic backgrounds and cultures, but the one thing we all have in common is time; and no matter who you are or who you know you can’t get an advantage. 

One of the most common reasons for failure in an escape room is poor time management. Those that lose tend to take there time, they’re reluctant to take hints and they’re unfocused because they believe they have a lot of time. 

Then as the time starts to tick down, they make a drastic switch. They become chaotic, they hit the hint button frantically and make rash decisions.

On the other hand, those that tend to win - and in good time - are groups who start the game with a quick and steady pace and maintain this throughout. 

We’ve all just been afforded a wealth of time and at the same time all those other factors that tip the scales have been muted. As with anything in life, there are winners and losers and Corona Virus won’t be any different. 

The winner of the this race will be the one that uses their time most efficiently, productively and creatively. 

So will you be like the group who switch on at the end only to find it’s too late. Or are you going to switch it on from today and keep it on everyday. 

You decide!

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